Physical Therapy Lorton
Physical Therapy Alexandria
Back in Motion Physical Therapy is proud to employ seventeen licensed physical therapists that share a common goal of providing our patients with superior physical therapy care. Our therapists utilize a variety of manual therapy techniques from: Strain Counter Strain, Geoff Maitland, Ola Grimsby, The Institute of Physical Art, Active Release Techniques, John Barnes Myofacial Release, H. Duane Saunders, Moshe' Feldenkrais, Robin McKenzie and trigger point dry needling We are now also utilizing the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) to screen our orthopedic patients. In order to reach your goals, your therapist will incorporate appropriate manual therapy techniques, therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular reeducation, functional training or performance drills. Our physical therapists receive regular continuing education to stay abreast of new physical therapy research and treatment techniques.